Agency | Email Address |
360 Degree | [email protected] |
Academia de Intercambio | [email protected] |
Australia Online | [email protected] |
Bella Fazio | [email protected] |
Be Ozzy | [email protected] |
Bizz Education | [email protected] |
Connection Australia | [email protected], [email protected] |
Education Way | [email protected] |
Estudien Australia | [email protected] |
First One Education | [email protected] |
Glow Up Study | [email protected] |
Immi International | [email protected] |
KM Intercambio | [email protected] |
Link2World | [email protected] |
Mapa da Australia | [email protected] |
One Way | [email protected] |
Pacific Center | [email protected] |
Puravida Study | [email protected] |
Right Now Study | [email protected] |
Spiible | [email protected] |
Stay Global | [email protected], [email protected] |
Tagarela Intercambios | [email protected] |
Trip Study | [email protected] |
We Move Experience | [email protected] |
West 1 | [email protected] |
Yes Study Australia | [email protected] |
Yooz Study | [email protected] |
Education Agent Code of Conduct
This Code sets out minimum standards of conduct for education agents (‘Agents’) of Batool International Pty Ltd.
The standards have been developed to ensure that the highest professional standards are maintained in relation to the recruitment of student and that students’ interests are protected.
A reference to ‘Agent’ in this document includes a reference to any of their employees, contractors, or agents.
Agents are aware of the requirements imposed by the ESOS Framework, including the ESOS Act and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code). Agents take steps to ensure that they and any of their staff are fully informed of any changes to the National Code as they may occur from time to time. Agents ensure that their staff have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the international education system in Australia, including the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics. In addition, the Agent abides by all relevant Australian State and Federal legislation when representing Batool International Pty Ltd, including the Trade Practices Act 1974 (CTH).
Agents ensure that the recruitment of students is conducted always in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the relevant course or curriculum as detailed in Batool International Pty Ltd materials. All marketing undertaken by the Agent maintains the integrity and reputation of the industry, Batool International Pty Ltd and registered providers generally. Agents do not knowingly recruit or attempt to recruit students where this conflict with Standard 7 (Overseas student transfers) of the National Code.
Agents do not make any false or misleading statements about Batool International Pty Ltd courses and services to the public. In particular, Agents do not give false or misleading information or advice in relation to:
- Claims of association between providers
- Prerequisites – including English language proficiency – for entry to the course
- The employment outcomes associated with a course
- Automatic acceptance into another course
- Possible migration outcomes
- Any other claims relating to Batool International Pty Ltd, its course or outcomes associated with the course
Agents regularly review all information and materials provided to the Agent by Batool International Pty Ltd and ensure that all information and materials submitted to actual or prospective students is accurate and up-to-date.
Agents ensure that equal opportunity principles will be applied to student selection decisions and that all student selections are conducted in accordance with Batool International Pty Ltd policy.
Agents employ appropriately qualified staff and train all staff who are involved in student recruitment, enrolment and selection processes to ensure that students are appropriately selected in accordance with Batool International Pty Ltd policy. The Agent ensures that all of its staff abide by this Code of Conduct in their dealings with actual or prospective students of Batool International Pty Ltd. The Agent ensures that all of its staff have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the international education system in Australia, including the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics.
Agents adhere to Batool International Pty Ltd enrolment and other relevant policies and procedures, and promptly make available all original applicant documentation to Batool International Pty Ltd upon request.
Agents keep all applicant information collected as part of the application and enrolment process secure. Agents take all necessary steps to ensure that the handling and disclosure of all personal information complies with Batool International Pty Ltd privacy policy and the relevant Australian state and federal privacy legislation.
Agents are obliged to handle all course monies with care and in accordance with their fiduciary obligations and the Batool International Pty Ltd Education Agent Code of Conduct. All such monies received must be passed on immediately to Batool International Pty Ltd without set off or deduction.
If a student pays the tuition and non-tuition fees required for their enrolment (as described in the Letter of Offer and Student Agreement) to an Agent, Batool International Pty Ltd will not issue the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) until the Agent has transferred those fees in full to Batool International Pty Ltd.
If an Agent charges their own fees (in addition to Batool International Pty Ltd tuition and non-tuition fees), those fees remain the responsibility of the Agent. Batool International Pty Ltd is not responsible for the Agent’s own fees and does not protect or refund those fees under any circumstances.